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Carved-wing Redhead Drake by Jim Schmiedlin (1945-2015) Bradford Woods, PA, c, October 1991.


Jim's carvings are amongst the most sought after of any gunning decoy maker who carved in the last 70 years. Here is an exceptional and rare opportunity to acquire a highly detailed gunning Redhead.


Though Jim mastered his own unique, original, and highly identifiable look, one would be remis if they don't look at this decoy and immediately recognize the influence of the 'Father of American Bird Carving' A. Elmer Crowell (1862-1952) East Harwich, MA. The head design, carved wings, and carved tail treatment reflect a studious awareness of Elmer, who utilized incising, relief carved wing-tips, and blended paint to impart a sense of realism in the rig. The carved details reflect the level of technical creation by an ardent observer of the waterfowl he hunted and sought to achieve in wood.


This hollow carved decoy displays highly sought after carved-wings, relief carving around the ends of the primary wings, and layered incised tail feathers. The head is lifted slightly and faintly angled to the left side. As usual, Jim didn't miss the mark on painting this decoy. Jim's painting technique provides a visually and physically textured surface replicating feathering in his own perfectly mastered way. The decoy retains its original keel and rigging. Bears its created date, the JAS brand, as well as Jim's famous 'Reward for Return' label.


Unique on this decoy are a couple of Jim's fingerprints captured during painting, note the one finger print in the tail detail picture.


Condition: Original with typical gunning wear. A few small darkened paint rub spots on top left of head.



Carved-wing Redhead Drake - Jim Schmiedlin


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